As 2012 presidential debates to watch live stream on iPad with YouTube

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 28 Februari 2013 0 komentar


first presidential debate of 2012 is happening today 10/3, from 9 to 10:30 am EST. YouTube broadcasts live stream presidential debate. But it is difficult to find the video to iPad.

YouTube Mobile site does not seem to show or display links for live steaming of Presidential Debates. YouTube desktop has links for this live discussions.

You can access

Presidential Debates 2012 Live Streaming, visiting TheVoiceOf YouTube page on your iPad. This link goes directly to the desktop YouTube site.


YouTube Mobile site has links for live debate. I could not find debates live on YouTube app in iOS 5.

If your Kindle Fire HD, you can see live streaming here, following the instructions.

If you want to catch up on the complete recordings of live discussions, you can find them here

Enjoy the discussion.

View the original article

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How can your download videos from YouTube in the originial iPad / iPhone / Android phone

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar


YouTube video site is the most popular video sharing. Upload your videos to YouTube to share with family and friends. You can download your own original videos from YouTube? You may need offline or you may just want to backup purposes, etc.

You can do this with Google takeout. It’s a Google service that lets you download the material you submit to Google or whatever you have on Google. You can download videos from YouTube, photos from Picasa, Google Docs, Contacts, etc.

How can your original YouTube videos can be downloaded as a zip file
1. Go to Google takeout place and login with your YouTube account or Google. It works on any device, including your computer, iPad, Android tablet, iPhone, iPod Touch, etc. You do not need to download the application.

2. Select “Choose Services” and select YouTube from the list. It shows the total number of video files that you uploaded to YouTube. It also gives overall size of your YouTube videos. Click “File Create” for a downloaded file. If you have many videos, it will take a while to create the file. You can choose to receive an email when you’re ready to download the file.

You can not download individual videos. Would an individual video download manager video, you should go to the YouTube site, click Edit next to the video you want to download and click “Download MP4″ button. I noticed that option is not available for some videos.

3. You can click the Download button after your file is ready for download. Your file will be available for one week if you download. File is named as your e-mail,

downloaded from YouTube are in the same format upload. You may need to convert them if you want to watch them on your iPad or iPhone or Android, like the Samsung Galaxy S3, Galaxy S2 or Android tablets, like the Nexus 7 or Kindle Fire etc.

Learn how to download videos YouTube to your phone / tablet with Android app

View the original article

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NetWare Command Line Tools

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 27 Februari 2013 0 komentar
Here is something for those who'd like to reminisce about the days of NetWare! Back in 2003 I won a T-Shirt for these two tips on command lines for NetWare. They can still be found on Novell Cool Solutions. Of course no one is using NetWare any more but anyway, here they are for posterity :-)

Managing Trustee Directory Rights From the Command Line
The RIGHTS command (SYS:Public) has a parameter that's not easy to find documented anywhere.
RIGHTS /group=

For example:
RIGHTS SYS:Public ALL /group=power

('power' is the group object name, you can specify the context if you wish)

Adding Trustee Rights From the Command Line
From the DOS prompt type:
RIGHTS /name=

For example:
RIGHTS SYS:PUBLIC R F /name=.TEST.achmecorp

(TEST = container name)

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Using Method-Swizzling to help with Test Driven Development

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

In this blog post I will demonstrate how to mock HTTP requests using an Objective-C runtime dynamic method replacement technique known as method swizzling. I will show how this can be used in tandem with some unit test technologies to help with development of iOS web-service client side code.

In this example, the actual work of the HTTP request is embodied in my AsyncURLConnection class. It uses NSURLConnection to perform an NSURLRequest in an asynchronous manner, using completion handler blocks to return the response to the caller. I could have chosen to mock the native APIs but mocking at the AsyncURLConnection level provides the desired effect more easily.

Method Swizzling Helper Class

This is a generic helper class for method swizzling (swapping). This gets used in tests as seen below. The


method takes a class and a method selector along with a class with an alternative implementation of the method given by the selector. The class swaps the implementation of the existing class method with the corresponding method in the swizzleClass.

#import #import   @interface Swizzler : NSObject   - (void)swizzleClassMethod:(Class)target_class selector:(SEL)selector swizzleClass:(Class)swizzleClass; - (void)deswizzle;   @end   #import "Swizzler.h"   @implementation Swizzler   Method originalMethod = nil; Method swizzleMethod = nil;   /** Swaps the implementation of an existing class method with the corresponding method in the swizzleClass. */ - (void)swizzleClassMethod:(Class)targetClass selector:(SEL)selector swizzleClass:(Class)swizzleClass { originalMethod = class_getClassMethod(targetClass, selector); // save the oringinal implementation so it can be restored swizzleMethod = class_getClassMethod(swizzleClass, selector); // save the replacement method method_exchangeImplementations(originalMethod, swizzleMethod); // perform the swap, replacing the original with the swizzle method implementation. }   /** Restores the implementation of an existing class method with its original implementation. */ - (void)deswizzle { method_exchangeImplementations(swizzleMethod, originalMethod); // perform the swap, replacing the previously swizzled method with the original implementation. swizzleMethod = nil; originalMethod = nil; }   @endClass to be mocked

This is the interface of a class that connects and loads a URL. I will be replacing the implementation so its details are left out of here for brevity.

#import   typedef void (^completeBlock_t)(NSData *data); typedef void (^errorBlock_t)(NSError *error);   @interface AsyncURLConnection : NSObject { NSMutableData *data; completeBlock_t completeBlock; errorBlock_t errorBlock; }   /** Asynchronously performs an HTTP GET - invokes one of the blocks depending on the response to the request */ + (id)request:(NSString *)requestUrl completeBlock:(completeBlock_t)aCompleteBlock errorBlock:(errorBlock_t)anErrorBlock;   /** Initializes and asynchronously performs an HTTP GET - invokes one of the blocks depending on the response to the request */ - (id)initWithRequest:(NSString *)requestUrl completeBlock:(completeBlock_t)aCompleteBlock errorBlock:(errorBlock_t)anErrorBlock;   // If both HTTP Basic authentication optional parameters are non-empty strings, request will encode the URL with them. @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *authUserName; // HTTP Basic authentication optional parameter @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *authPassword; // HTTP Basic authentication optional parameter   @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *accept; // Optional parameter to set the response type accepted (default is @"application/json")   @endExample of Usage in a Test

In this test I am testing that I am correctly processing the JSON data returned from the web service. However, I want to isolate the actual web service from the test. I want a test to validate the creation of the NSDictionary response object from the JSON.
As an aside, by removing the Swizzler code, this test could be run against the actual web service; but that is not the intent here.
Here is what the JSON response looks like –

{ "coaches" : [ { "id" : 1, "name" : "Jeff Tucker", "thumbnail_url" : "" }, { "id" : 2, "name" : "Traver H. Boehm", "thumbnail_url" : "" }, { "id" :3, "name" : "Jeff Tucker", "thumbnail_url" : "" }, { "id" : 4, "name" : "Traver H. Boehm", "thumbnail_url" : "" }, { "id" : 5, "name" : "Jeff Tucker", "thumbnail_url" : "" }, { "id" : 6, "name" : "Traver H. Boehm", "thumbnail_url" : "" } ], "per_page": 6, "page": 1, "total" : 11, "total_pages": 2 }

The method under test here is:-

- (void)loadCollectionFromEndpoint:(NSString *)endpoint successBlock:(JSONLoaderLoadSuccessBlock)successBlock failBlock:(JSONLoaderLoadFailBlock)failBlock

This method calls the AsyncURLConnection class method

+ (id)request:(NSString *)requestUrl completeBlock:(completeBlock_t)completeBlock errorBlock:(errorBlock_t)errorBlock;

I will replace the existing implementation of that method with one that does not actually make an HTTP request, but instead gets JSON from a local file.

The unit test uses OCHamcrest matchers and XCode’s built in OCUnit.

- (void)test_loadPopularCoaches_success { // Test set-up Swizzler *swizzler = [Swizzler new]; // Replace the actual AsyncURLConnection method with our own test one. [swizzler swizzleClassMethod:[AsyncURLConnection class] selector:@selector(request:completeBlock:errorBlock:) swizzleClass:[RequestPopularCoachesPassMock class]]; __block BOOL hasCalledBack = NO;   // Test NSString *endpoint = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@?per_page=6&page=1&popular=true", kCoachesEndpoint]; [[JSONLoader sharedJSONLoader] loadCollectionFromEndpoint:endpoint successBlock:^(NSDictionary *collection) { NSArray *coaches = [collection valueForKey:@"coaches"]; assertThat(coaches, hasCountOf(6)); int i = 0; for (NSDictionary *coach in coaches) { STAssertTrue([coach isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]], @"Incorrect class"); assertThat(coach, equalTo([popularCoaches objectAtIndex:i])); // popularCoaches defined elsewhere with expected data ++i; } assertThat([collection valueForKey:@"per_page"], equalToInt(6)); assertThat([collection valueForKey:@"page"], equalToInt(1)); assertThat([collection valueForKey:@"total"], equalToInt(11)); assertThat([collection valueForKey:@"total_pages"], equalToInt(2)); hasCalledBack = YES; } failBlock:^(NSError *error) { NSLog(@"%@", [error localizedDescription]); STFail(@"Unexpected error returned"); hasCalledBack = YES; }];   // see NSDate *loopUntil = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:1]; while (hasCalledBack == NO) { [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode beforeDate:loopUntil]; } swizzler = nil; }

You can use any class to provide an implementation of the replacement method. This approach allows you can return various responses from your HTTP request. Here is one that returns the expected payload that is read from a file.

@interface RequestPopularCoachesPassMock : NSObject   + (id)request:(NSString *)requestUrl completeBlock:(completeBlock_t)completeBlock errorBlock:(errorBlock_t)errorBlock;   @end   @implementation RequestPopularCoachesPassMock   // Swizzled method + (id)request:(NSString *)requestUrl completeBlock:(completeBlock_t)completeBlock errorBlock:(errorBlock_t)errorBlock { if (completeBlock) { NSData *data = [FileReader dataWithContentsOfBundleFile:@"popularCoaches.json"]; completeBlock(data); } return self; }   @endConclusion

In this blog post I have demonstrated how to use the Objective-C runtime dynamic method replacement technique known as *method swizzling* to assist with unit testing in a situation where there is a 3rd party web service that I want to mock. This technique can be used during development to assist with integrating of an iOS app with a web service. It helps speed up development and prototyping. It can also be applied during development in the normal running of your app if you want to mock out portions of or all of a web service.

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FireFox OS Complete Platform Released In 2013

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
FireFox OS Complete Platform Released In 2013: Mozilla event officially entered the war open-source mobile platform has surprised many people, by main rival FireFox OS will be Android.
FireFox OS Complete Platform Released In 2013
Firefox OS is an open mobile operating system, which is built based on the FireFox browser. FireFox OS built the necessary applications such as Facebook, Twitter network, hosting services, weather software with popular games such as Cut the Rope or Electronic Arts game, Disney Games.

Mozilla also introduced the Marketplace application store technology users FireFox, a software store similar to Google Play Android or iOS Apps Store. 

Accordingly, most of the applications are running on the web and this is an advantage in this application is compatible with other smartphones.

FireFox web browser using Mozilla's computer had achieved much success but before the explosion of mobile technologies FireFox become difficult competition especially when it is not licensed by Apple to run on the iOS platform also on the open source Android platform FireFox is limited pretty much by the binding.

Before such a situation, Mozilla had to build an operating system for FireFox. The study began in 2011 and was finally introduced. 

Mozilla event officially entered the war open-source mobile platform has surprised many people by main rival FireFox OS will be Android.

However, it is very difficult to say that FireFox OS does not make a story. First this was a completely free platform, similar to Android. Monday, FireFox OS can run well on low hardware devices, while Android is processed slow or even can't work in these devices.

Notably, FireFox next OS is an open source platform. Developers can edit arbitrary, provided that may help your application or service can be operated smoothly. If compared with the closed operating system is designed, it is clear that FireFox OS has a superior strength.

Also, FireFox OS also promises by written based on HTML 5 so developers easily build applications for the mobile operating system. It is also an advantage of the platform FireFox.

Another notable point is that Mozilla says it has persuaded its 18 networks and 4 support for FireFox mobile OS. Although, technology analysts say as if that was not enough to beat the power of Google Android and Apple iOS, but at least make sure FireFox OS not overshadowed before the official hand users.

Even in the early days of the new platform launch of Mozilla a number of technology companies has introduced the first product run FireFox OS as Alcatel One Touch Fire, ZTE Open and most recently as a model Geeksphone Peak. 

The introduction of the new platform smartphones has prompted technological and user excitement.

Starting this summer, the first smartphone running FireFox OS Alcatel, ZTE, LG and Huawei be sold through America Moovil, China Unicom, Deutsche Telekom, Etisalat, Hutchison Three Group, KDDI, KT, MegaFon, Qtel, SingTel, Smart, Sprint, Telecom Italia Group, Telefonica, Telenor, Telstra, TMN and VimpelCom.

However, more prominent in the number of technology companies and is promising to march into the mobile market with Mozilla FireFox platform, Sony. Page technology Slash Gear on 26/2, said the Japanese electronics company announced it would introduce to the market the mobile devices using open source operating systems FireFox in 2014.

Bob Ishida, Deputy CEO of Sony said that its engineers are working with with Mozilla technology companies to develop "one or more device run FireFox platforms".

In the context of South Korea's Samsung Electronics has publicly stated that there is no interest in open source operating systems FireFox because there must concentrate to develop Tizen platform the Sony is a chance to dominate segment smartphone running FireFox platforms OS and a real competitor of Sony when it only electronics company LG.

However, according to analysts, way ahead of Firefox OS is not flat, easy go. According to estimates by analyst firm Gartner as of Q4 / 2012 past rival Android platform is said to be in direct competition with the Firefox OS coming time accounted for 70% of global smartphone market share while iOS holding 21%.

That is not to say that phones running the Android or iOS platform are still attractive to users. Many technology companies have had to give up playing pity when facing fierce competition from the two platforms. 

Thus, to prevail, FireFox OS needs to attract more consumers as well as further application development.

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Top 5 Developments Of The Telecommunication Systems In 2013

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Top 5 Developments Of The Telecommunication Systems In 2013: At a press conference MWC 2013 Event Group President and CEO of Ericsson Hans Vestberg highlighted five trends will take place in 2013 comes from the increasing demand of consumers for quality and operational capacity of telecommunications networks.
Top 5 Developments Of The Telecommunication Systems In 2013

Here are five trends that Hans Vestberg said:

Smartphones will account for over 50% of the number of telephone main warehouse and will be the average price line. Consumers will use more and more applications and data connections between a variety of devices such as in the transportation industry, the electricity industry.

The number of mobile Internet users will be greater than a fixed number of Internet users. Average each household has three people connected to the Internet. And service providers to extend service to the field of to conquer new revenue funds to leverage the power influenced the mobile industry to other industries.

The number of mobile broadband subscribers will surpass 2 billion. Interactive connections between people, devices and information will require methods of cost flexibility and diversity.

The average smartphone user will use 20 MB / day. Therefore the requirements of customers in diverse service experience and quality will make the telecommunications network to prioritize network efficiency and quality.

4G continues to grow with the number of LTE subscribers is expected to exceed 100 million. And the network will continue to create competition based on the quality of the network to ensure the provision of diverse services and quality for our customers.

At MWC 2013, Ericsson also announced significant project"window may participate in the transmission of mobile broadband" one of a series of solutions to realize the vision of "connected society".

Ericsson said it was a project to explore and test innovative applications when connected to conventional glass windows and turn windows in our daily living environment becomes transmission equipment.

Ericsson test antenna using transparent turn ordinary window into a part of the mobile broadband network  increasing coverage for indoor environments providing quality mobile environment between buildings or when use public transport to go to work. 

Thus a bus can be expanded or a custom office entertainment. Windows can become table notes the information and then email those notes.

Connect with windows to provide additional spectrum for the control automated curtains, with cloud computing management for ventilation, lighting. Solutions can reduce energy consumption in buildings. 

By attaching the device solar energy to produce electricity, the application can provide power to operate.

This approach will support the telecommunication network process the restrictions on the spectrum and the construction of the station in order to ensure the quality of mobile services.

Interested readers can view the video introduction to the new and notable projects by Development Manager Wireless Division Ericsson Jan Hederen introduced.

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Apple Will Take Control Of Enterprise Market

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Apple Will Take Control Of Enterprise Market: Apple's iOS operating system has consolidated its dominance in the business user segment in the fourth quarter, based on the data enabled mobile device vendor Good Technology.
Apple Will Take Control Of Enterprise Market
In the analysis of the report enabled mobile devices half a year, Good Technology said nearly 77 percent of the device is activated in the fourth quarter of 2012 is in the iOS operating system, up from 71% in Q4 2011.

Top 5 most popular device of Apple:

iPhone 5 (accounting for 32% of the product is activated in the fourth quarter)
iPhone 4S (20%)
iPhone 4 (14%)
iPad 3 (11.7%)
iPad 2 (7.7%)

What is the location of Android in mobile market now?

Android is bristling as Yahoo in the search field. Although there are a few bright spots but the Android OS is relatively modest growth in the enterprise mobility market, fell to 22.7% in the fourth quarter of 2012 compared to 29% in the fourth quarter of 2011.

Even Windows Phone also lost 0.5% market share of Android in the fourth quarter.

Obviously, these numbers represent only a fraction of the number of devices is enabled but Good Technology with more than 4000 enterprises including more than half the companies in the top 100 of Fortune stretching across the fields industries such as healthcare, financial services, technology, retail, entertainment, life sciences.

So, this is a survey including the giant enterprises that deploy mobile system seriously, and obviously they prefer iOS.

John Herrema, senior vice president of Good Technology, said: "We have found the fourth quarter looks pretty similar to the previous quarter; iOS continues to assert its position by holding the most market section".

However, Herrema also note the progress of Android.

"The most significant growth of Android in the tablet market."

This is also good news for Android. The tablet products with Google's operating system accounted for 6.8% of the product is activated, rather than 2.7% last year.

Other small bright spot of Android:

Enabled Android smartphones who reached on iPad on January 10 and ended the fourth quarter with 21%, iPad still lost a bit.

Samsung Galaxy SIII, the most popular Android devices as reported by Good Technology, 6% of the total amount of activation in the fourth quarter.

Samsung with its efforts, tried to shape itself as a manufacturer of Android devices for now, Samsung's SAFE program is designed to remove fears about the security of Android. The popularity of the Galaxy smartphone product line marks an important place of Samsung in the heart of the business, especially with the Galaxy S4 plans to launch in April.

But, Herrema still thought, "No known time, especially for Android, will have a product to create effects such as the iPhone".

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Chrome requires Flash?

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 26 Februari 2013 0 komentar
Google Chrome has Adobe Flash Player included automatically. It updates automatically too, when Chrome is updated. However, today in Facebook I saw this Get Flash Player message!

Do not click Get Flash Player, instead follow the steps below:

  1. On the address line enter: chrome:plugins
  2. Click [+] Details (top right - see the example below)
  3. Look for Adobe Flash Player - click Enable

Back on Facebook it's working fine :-)

If you still don't see the video, press F5 to refresh the screen. You could also restart Chrome but normally you shouldn't have to do that.

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Google Planning To Introduce Communication Services Free Music

Posted by Unknown Senin, 25 Februari 2013 0 komentar
Google Planning To Introduce Communication Services Free Music: The Financial Times reported that Google is in the process of negotiations with the major music labels to launch online music service to compete with Spotify, Pandora, Slacker and Deezer.
Google Planning To Introduce Communication Services Free Music
Google now has a music download service as well as YouTube, but the company wanted to give users a new streaming music service. 

Expected launch, the service will provide access to millions of different songs. Before that, Google also plans to launch paid subscription service on YouTube which allows users to view and program your favorite artists.

Google's online music service is an extension for its music download service launched in 11/2011, available now in the U.S. and five European countries. So far, Google Music service has more than 1,000 partners provide music.

Interested in expanding the online music market is considered to be the necessary direction of Google, where YouTube, Vevo, Spotify or Pandora is very successful. 

Recently, the company has faced allegations from the RIAA in order to prevent acts of privacy content.

Google also said that, if its streaming music services are appearing on the market, the company will allow users access to unlimited free music but other services such as Slacker, Spotify or other services offer.

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The New PlayStation 4 Will Release in 2013

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
The New PlayStation 4 Will Release in 2013: In the event of introduction PS4 Thursday morning last week Sony is saving the information about the machine including the shape, design, price and launch date their products have not been clearly defined.
The New PlayStation 4 Will Release in 2013
However, according to recent information, the Sony plans to sell the PS4 for about $ 400 for a 160GB hard drive and $ 500 for 500GB.

Japan will continue to be the market with the PlayStation 4 first followed by North America and ultimately Europe, cannot until early 2014, the new machines are sold all over the world. 

Sony gave no specific timeline, but an unnamed representative said in November last year will is PS4 delivery time probably for the holiday shopping season in North America.

If so, then laptop PS4 will soon be in Vietnam this year, we will continue to wait and see.

It is only very basic information about the machine, Sony also said it hopes to introduce more specific about the PS4 in the exhibition game E3 2013 takes place in June this year. 

At E3 2013, many studios also promises many new game with the ultimate graphics for PS4, for example  

  • Killzone:    Shadow Fall, Driveclub
  • Infamous:  Second Son, The Witness, Deep Down, Diablo 4, Quantic Dream, Destiny and a new Final Fantasy game from Square Enix.

Essence will continue to update the latest information about this machine.

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AMD Turbo Dock For Future Children

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
AMD Turbo Dock Can Revive Future Children: AMD disclose a while ago, Turbo Dock is one of the company's strategic technologies in 2013. Turbo Dock is basically a power management system comes with the new generation of processor chips Temash firm.
AMD Turbo Dock
Turbo Dock keyboard technology works automatically adjusts the performance of the device hybrid, depending on the mode of use of the device. When users plug it into the dock in this Turbo to use one laptop, performance will be increased.

When removing the device from the dock to be used as tablet, the device will automatically decrease to save battery performance.

AMD promises to use Turbo Dock, the performance of the device will increase up to 40% compared to not attached to the dock, can help users use your as 1 regular laptop. In tablet mode, AMD said the performance of the machine is enough for the user to view the full HD resolution video, gaming, while the battery will save.

AMD product demo at WMC Compal hybrid computer has a 13.3-inch screen resolution of full HD running Windows 8 and use SoC Temash. Although only the product demo not the commercial version but Compal leave users impressed with hinged design for sure.

You will not be afraid to wobble after insert the dock into use. The tablet is designed with white plastic shark. Compal's a commendable thing compared to other hybrid devices even in tablet mode, Compal still have enough USB ports and HDMI.

The keyboard has a beautiful aluminum design and luxury. However, there is one point that both the tablet and the dock have one battery in it.

To demo the ability to switch the performance of Turbo Dock, AMD used to test Fish Bowl HTML5 for IE to demonstrate the graphics capabilities of chips Teams  for people. We can see in the video demo is that when plugging the dock, the performance of the machine increases, the number of fish in the water increases, and you remove the dock, the fish is reduced and the frame rate also drops.

Turbo Dock is a very promising system, by not only providing a keyboard and mouse, but it will also help improve performance when used as first laptop users.

With the promise of AMD, in future, Teams’ will be a chip worth our wait.

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Unzip the files in IOS using ZipArchive

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

this tutorial I will show you how to compress and decompress files from their iOS apps. We will use a third party library called ZipArchive to achieve this. While there are some solutions out there to compress and decompress files, I think ZipArchive library was the quickest and easiest way to get started.

Why do I unzip files?

‘s a big problem. There are a number of reasons why you may want to support compression and decompression of files from within your applications. Here are some examples:

Apple App Store download 50MB Cap

Apple introduced a download limit of 50MB via 3G in apps downloaded to appease carriers and not monopolize your entire band. One way around this is to keep your binaries very small, and transfer resources to their application needs. The best way to package these resources is obviously a zip file. Thus, the process (as you will see demoed below), is to open your application, check the updates of Resources to download the zip file and unzip it. Now you can send smaller applications, which recovers its resources dynamically.

dynamic updates to content

I talked about this above. When your application needs updating assets is common to present an update to the App Store. This may take up to a week to Apple for review and publishing. A faster method is to close their assets and put them on a server somewhere (even your Dropbox) and have your app download and unzip them. That way when you want to do asset-based changes in the program, you need not submit a copy of it to the store.

Download Zip files from the Web

A big fall Safari and Mail app is, they are not open zipped files. It would be nice to offer some kind of support to show zipped file on the device. Many of the “download” apps in the store to support this process, and you can too with a little help from ZipArchive.

configure projects class = “code”> svn checkout http : / / ziparchive.googlecode. com / svn / trunk / ZIPARCHIVE-read-only groups to all folders added.” Also, make sure your target is selected.

Note: No support ARC

If you use an ARC enabled project, you must tell the compiler not to use ARC to ZipArchive. To do this, click the project in the left column. Then click on your target in the middle column and select “Build phases” tab.

Expand “Gather Supplies” area, locate and double click it. In the box that appears, type -FNO-objc-arc and click Done.

link libz

The last step is to link your project to libz.1.2.5.dylib . Construction screen you sailed above link expand binary library and click the “+” button to add a new library. Look for libz.1.2.5.dylib list, select it and click Add.

Now compile the project and he would succeed without errors. One thing to note is ZipArchive can produce some warnings, they are no big deal, but if you’re a Nazi warning (which should be), dig into the code and see if you can solve them alone.

download and extract files

The sample project has a vision like this:.

It is basically a UIImageView and UILabel. Inside View Controller IBOutlets raised for these two items. Be sure and download the sample project to see the implementation details. We will download a zip file from the web that contains an image and a text file which you can see displayed in the image above. When unzipped, the image is set to the visible image of our textual content UIImageView and i txt file will be displayed inside the UILabel.

** 1. Import headers ZIPARCHIVE **

class = “code”> # import "ZipArchive.h" class = “code”> style = / / 1 = dispatch_get_global_queue ( DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0 ) , dispatch_async ( queue, ^ { NSURL * url = [ NSURL URLWithString @ " http://www . / wp-content/uploads/2012/08/ " ] NSError * = null , / / 2 NSData # * data = [ NSData : url options 0 wrong: & #] if ( wrong) { / / 3 NSArray = ( NSCachesDirectory, NSUserDomainMask ) , NSString * path = [ 0 ] NSString * [ stringByAppendingPathComponent Path: @ "" ] , [ : zipPath options : 0 wrong: & error ] , if ( wrong) { / / TODO: Extract } a61390; “cor: # else { ( ” Error saving the file% @ “ style = “color: “> else { ( ” Error downloading the zip file :% @ “, 002.200, “color: #) , } } 002200; “cor: #) Creates a transmission queue to run our code on the default priority. quick and dirty way to get data from the web. Resolve the path to the cache directory and print the transferred data to a zip file location

Now that you have

downloads the file to disk, it is time packaging store and use the content.

third Unzip the downloaded file

The last step here is to unzip the file you just downloaded. To be clear, it saves the path / Library / Caches / and when extracted, the content to be included in the folder caches too.

Change / / TODO: Pack in the above code with the following code:

class = ZipArchive * = [ [ Alloc ZipArchive ] ] / / 1 if ( [ : ] 002200; "cor: #) { / / 2 BOOL = [ UnzipFileTo za: Path Replace ] , if ( NO == ) { } [ ] / / 3 NSString * [ stringByAppendingPathComponent Path: @ ] , NSString * = [ stringByAppendingPathComponent Path: @ "text.txt" ] NSData * = [ NSData : : 0 null ] , * = [ ] , NSString * # string text = [ NSString : text encoding file path NSASCIIStringEncoding wrong: null ] , / / 4 ( ( ) ^ { = img; self. . = string text, } ) . Opens file and unpack it in memory Writes the contents extracted to a certain path ( caches folder) uses the extracted files Update UI (the wire, of course) with new data downloaded.

It's really very simple.

closing files Now you will see how to go the other way and closing some files on the hard disk. Again, this can be especially useful when you want your users to share groups of files via the web or email.

If you have completed the steps above, your cache folder has some files out there that we can just close it again and send away. Let's close the two files that you are pre-packaged, stuff them into a new zip file and print it to the file directory.

In my sample project, I created a new button at the top that says "zip" that links to a IBAction called zipFilesButtonPressed: when tapped. This is where I will do zip:

class = "code"> - ( ) : ( ID ) sender { / / 1 NSArray * = ( NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, Yes ) , NSString * = [ paths will 0 ] , / / 2 = ( NSCachesDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES ) style = NSString * cache path = [ : 2400d9; "color: # 0 ] / / 3 NSString * zipfile = style = # [ " " ] "> / / 4 * [ [ #] ] , [ ] , "> / / 5 NSString * = [ : @ " photo.png " 002200, "color: #] NSString * path = text "style 002200; "> @ " text.txt " ] "> / / 6 [ : @ "NewPhotoName.png" ] style [ # : # @ "NewTextName.txt" ] "> / / 7 BOOL = style = # [ ] , NSLog ( @ "Compressed% d result" , the success ) }

Here's what's happening:

resolve the path to the documents directory. We will need this in determining the road to write our new zip file. resolve the path to the cache directory. This is used to retrieve the files to be zipped. Zip file determines the way we print. ZipArchive instance object and tell it to create a new "in memory" zip file. Note that the file is not printed until you call the method corresponding CloseZipFile2. The zip resolve the path to the files to be zipped. add the file archives. You can add as many files as you want here. You can also add directories (ie you could have put the entire cache directory if you wanted). Print zip file and close it. Just to test, we recorded the results to ensure that zipping managed.

After running through the program, tap "zip" button, look for the Documents folder of the application (located ~ / Library / Application Support / iPhone Simulator / [iOS version] / Applications / [Unique ID] / Documents]. should contain a single zip file called If you unzip it, you should see the two files that you put in it is extracted. Conclusion

Congratulations iCoding

Download sample projects XTZ

::: 08/13/unzipping-files-using-zip-archive / :::

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IOS 5 third-party library I found useful later

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 23 Februari 2013 0 komentar

As I mature as a developer, I try to trust others, AOS code further. Why build something from scratch when a solution since you can fit into your projects. In MUD Pocket Pro, I used 13 libraries 3 and I use a little more in the projects that I, OMA currently working. I thought I’d share some of the libraries that I used so you can save some time in the future.

first CocoaAsyncSocket

Many of my program involves TCP or UDP network. There are a lot of boiler plate code involved in each network application, and CocoaAsyncSocket solves much of that to you.

second Appirater


Hopefully you have heard of a gift or a similar library now. There, AOS very challenging for users to want to review your application, much less give it a positive review. AppiRater you can ask the user to evaluate your application based on both the number of launches or events Äúsignificant, au that you specify.

third Zip

I’m trying to send small applications that retrieve assets at launch. A great way to send these assets over the wire is to zip them and put them on your server. I wrote an article about it in iCodeBlog.

fourth Dialogue fast

Creating Forms in iOS is very painful. It usually involves custom table cells and very absurd delegate. Dialogue Quick takes some pain and allows you to easily create forms iOS. You can also create them using JSON.

QuickDialog Screenshot

TSMiniWebBrowser 5

Often you want a quick and dirty browser in your application. I usually use it to point to the in-app documentation, or take the user to a page by pressing a link. TO quickly and easily.


I hope you find some value in the list. I’d love to hear about the ODA library you uses frequently.

Happy coding! 2012/08/24/5-third-party-ios-libraries-i-have-found-useful-lately ::: / :::

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Adding an OpenGL ES for your project with NinevehGL

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 21 Februari 2013 0 komentar

Recently I came across an OpenGL ES 2.0 engine that made the installation, display and animate 3D objects a breeze, called NinevehGL. The 3D engine has many features including a full multithreading environment, to keep the main execution loop is free to object rendering, motion tweening, grouping items, lighting, materials and textures, custom shader support and native support for reality increased, just to name a few. Another great advantage is the possibility to import both wavefront (. Obj) and Collada (. DAE). This structure is very easy to use, robust, and can be used in many different ways.

iOS openGL rotating earth with NinevehGL Erick Bennett on Vimeo.

In this tutorial I will show how easy and effective way to add an OpenGL ES 2.0 3D view of the project, and show a fully rendered, 3D rotating Earth. The active model can be found here, and includes object and texture. These assets are also in the ZIP file of the project, available through the link at the end of this guide.

Download and install the framework NinevehGL.

Since we want to add this view to an existing project and understand how the engine works, you can create a new project unique view to start. Even NinevehGL could very well be using Interface Builder, let’s put this view programming. For this exercise, no matter if you choose Storyboard or XIB for the new project.

For starters, there are some tables that we need to add. Do this by first choosing your header file in the project browser pane design. Ensure project goals is highlighted, and build phases click “Link Binary with Libraries of.” Use the + at the bottom of the screen and add this Core Quart and open Pringles frames.

Then use the “Add Others” button, navigate to the folder and downloaded NinevehGL NinevehGL.framework import .

Now in code ……. NinevehGL import the header (h). file

@ Controller Interface View: UIViewController NGLViewDelegate >

# import # import @ interface View Controller: UIViewController NGLViewDelegate > NGLCamera * _camera, NGLMesh * _mesh;}

your source file (. m), which you should start NGLView puts his delgate that can define a glossary of some basic definitions and start networking and cameras. I do this in my viewDidLoad method, but depending on your needs, this can be done elsewhere

- (void) viewDidLoad {[super viewDidLoad]. Style # = / / Do any additional settings after loading the view, typically from a point / / set our NGLView * TheView = [[ NGLView Alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (40, 40, 240, 360)], / / Set the delegate thus call display method used = theView.delegate himself. / / Add new view on top of our existing view [self.view addSubview: TheView]. / content / is used to increase the resolution to use

of monitors the retina and the values ​​range from 1.0 to 2.0. This sets the scale factor content

best to scale screen of the device. theView.contentScaleFactor = [[UIScreen main screen] scale], / / Set some initial states to implement our environmental mesh NSDictionary * settings = [NSDictionary dictionary object with keys sand: kNGLMeshCentralizeYes. , kNGLMeshKeyCentralize , @ "0.3" kNGLMeshKeyNormalize ], nil. / / initialize the network, which includes the template file to be imported (or DAE .. obj) _mesh = [[ NGLMesh alloc] initWithFile: delegate settings :: @" earth.obj "] nil; / / Initialize the camera used to make the scene _camera = [[ NGLCamera Alloc] initWithMeshes:. _mesh, nil], "cor: # 008000 / / If a transparent background necessary NGLView / / theView.backgroundColor = [color UIColor course] / / nglGlobalColorFormat (NGLColorFormatRGBA) / / nglGlobalFlush () / / The following command displays a 3D view Status Monitor, which displays your current frame rate and the number of polygons rendered in sight. [[ debugMonitor] starting order: ( NGLView *) self.view ];}

-. (Void) { / / Rotate on Y axis _mesh.rotateY + = 0.5, / / Draw for our camera to show our point of view [_camera tie camera];}

Now, build and run the project and you should see a slowly rotating planet Earth. The NGLView was deliberately designed smaller than the bottom view to show how you can override this on all normal NGLView another to add 3D content. If you want the background to be transparent NGLView, set the background color to clear and add the following additional commands. There is also a status monitor that can be executed to display the frame rates and the number of polygons performed for optimization.

"> / / If a transparent background necessary NGLView theView.backgroundColor = [color UIColor course], nglGlobalColorFormat ( ), nglGlobalFlush (), / / The following command shows a 3D view Status Monitor, which displays your current frame rate and the number of polygons rendered in the view [[ NGLDebug debugMonitor ] starting order:. ( NGLView *) itself. View]

/ / rotation _mesh.rotateX, rotateY, rotateZ sizing / / _mesh.scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ / / stage _mesh.x, y, z / center / offset rotation of the object _mesh.pivot nglVec3Make = (x, y, z)

project file

pc Canadian Pharmacy brahmi


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Tutorial: Asynchronous HTTP client with NSOperationQueue

Posted by Unknown Senin, 18 Februari 2013 0 komentar


recently here at ELC, we are working on an application that requires a lot of server interaction, which has been a learning experience for managing threading, server load and connectivity. To maintain application performance and agile when you send a large number of applications and aggregate a large dataset, our group had to intelligently manage and prioritize network interactions.

Here NSOperationQueue help. This class is highly dependent on Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) to run NSOperations (in this case, the HTTP requests and JSON SERIALIZATIONS). These operations can be performed in various settings, including simultaneously and asynchronously.

In this tutorial I will show you how to make a block-based queue using NSBlockOperation operations, a concrete subclass of NSOperation. You can use this client server class to manage all interactions with the external server. To demonstrate this, our Twitter sample issue for a set of tags and keywords to return the results asynchronously. The sample code is available on GitHub . Let’s get started.

Client Server Setup

First, create a class Media Server with a property transaction queue. This class is a singleton server because we want to route all network requests from a single file operation.

class = “code”> class = @ interface Media Server: NSObject # @ property ( strong ) NSOperationQueue # * operationQueue, + ( ) sharedMediaServer, @ end dispatch_once uses GCD and recommended by Apple for thread safety.

class = "code"> + ( id ) sharedMediaServer, { static dispatch_once_t symbol once, static = null , # ( & token once, ^ { [ [ [ 002200; "color: #] ] init] = "style 002200; "> } Media Server init, initialize the operation queue and put into operation simultaneously counted. The property maxConcurrentOperationCount can be changed later, though

class = "code"> - ( ID ) init, { in ( ( auto = [ ] ) ) { # = [ [ NSOperationQueue ] ] , = 2 002200; "cor: #} return even }
files project, you will notice Search View Controller Tags. I set it up to handle the deletion, addition and editing Search tags Twitter. You can find a very simple implementation, with NSUserDefaults to continue their search tags. The main objective of this regulator of view is to prepare a series of requests from the server.


talks with NSBlockOperation

Now we are ready to start our business line. In our example, we will search for tweets that contain different keywords, so just need a get method in our class server

Note. Since the blocks are syntactically somewhat hard to read, it may be appropriate to assign typedef parameters of an input block and returns. This also means much more readable to cross the block. In our example, we expect a number of objects tweet, and we should look for errors in the HTTP request and JSON serialization. In MediaServer.h, add:

class = "code"> class = typedef void ( ^ ) ( NSArray * items NSError * wrong) class = "code"> class = - ( ) : ( NSString * ) String Search block : ( FetchBlock 002200; "cor: #) Lock, { * [ transaction block NSBlockOperation blocks with : ^ { NSMutableArray * = [ [ NSMutableArray ] ] , NSError * null , NSHTTPURLResponse # * = null , NSString * = [ String Search stringWithURLEncoding ] , * = [ NSString string with the format : @ = [ : [ : ] #: #] , NSData * = [ NSURLConnection : query response returned : & Error response span style : & ] , NSDictionary * = [ : 0 : & ] span style NSArray * = style = # [ @ ] / / Serialize JSON response Tweet light convenience items to ( NSDictionary * in / "color: =) { Tweet * = [ [ ] ] , [ : #] , } NSLog ( @ " Search "% @"% back in profit . " String, Search, [ count] ) / / return to the main queue, once the request has been processed [ [ NSOperationQueue #] : ^ { if (> ( null , error span style ) , more ( tweetObjects, span style zero ) , } style = #] } ] , / / You can also set the priority function This is useful when flood / / operation with different preferences [ #: ] , [ if addOperation operationQueue ] , #}
Let's see how we use this method of server I TweetsViewController viewDidLoad:. . approach, we go our tags search and retrieve each set of tweets Because each transaction sent to our line of business, no need to worry about flooding the server or cause timeouts because of limited bandwidth to do it in viewDidLoad:., add:

class = "code"> class = Media Server * = [ #] , ( NSString in ) {# [ server: : ^ ( NSArray * NSError * # wrong) { if ( && == ) { [ items] , NSArray * = [ NSArray array with the object : [ NSSortDescriptor : @ " createdAtDate " No ] ] style = [ : sortDescriptorsArray ] , [ 002200; "cor: #] , [ ] } 002200; "color: #} ]

research Canceling Tweet

In some cases, you may want to stop the activities of its queue, for example, when the user navigates away from a view that displays the contents of various requests servers. this example, when the user hit back " Tags "button, we want to avoid crossing other queries This is as easy as:.

class =" wp_syntax ">
class =" code "> style = # - ( void #) : ( BOOL ) excited # { Media Server * = [ ] , [ [ ] "cor: # 002200] , #}


The only fetchTweetsForSearch: block: do is create a business and submit it to the queue, so back almost immediately The main advantage of this method is that all work within the operating block. occurs in a background queue, leaving the wire free and ensure the UI is responsive. To confirm this works, you can open the profiles of time instruments (a very useful tool for improving UX) and check the queue block running.

 </p><p> NSOperation profiled

In the profiles, you'll see that initWithJSON : , JSONObjectWithData: options: error: and sendSynchronousRequest: return Response: error: ... all running on a worker thread ship, the red wire is not exactly what we want


There you have as a developer you will get the maximum benefit from this server paradigm when you send a large number of URL requests or when the user is on a slow network. If you run into situations where the queue full of desires, remember that you can prioritize their activities, such as

class = "code"> [ : ]

Congratulations iCoding

Source Code -! GitHub

http:/ .. ::: / / :::

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Three hidden features of Gmail for Android You Should Know

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 16 Februari 2013 0 komentar
gmail-for-android Trevor recently wrote an article on how to restore the missing features in Gmail for Android. In the article, he uses an external application to restore the function of Gmail, but you know that some of the features hidden inside Gmail app and you do not need to use other applications to access them? In this article, I will discuss some of the hidden features of Gmail for Android.

1. Accessing your message canned

When using Gmail from your desktop browser, you may have created a standard message, so you can send the answers quickly and easily. In the Gmail app for Android, there is no "canned messages" option, then you can think that this feature is not available in the application. Well, you're wrong. gmail-settings-cans -message When you write and record a message in Gmail desktop cans , it is saved as a draft in the Drafts folder and is hidden from your view. In the Gmail app, all you need to do is go to the Drafts folder (press the "Tag" icon and select "Draft") and you can see all your messages cans. All you need to do is open a canned message, highlight and copy all the text. In response to an email (or write e-mails), paste the content you copied from canned messages.  

2. Sync e-mail up to 999 days

know that by default, only Gmail to Android sync email for 30 days? This means that if you only check your email once every few months, and you want to remove them all from your Android phone or tablet, you'll see only email up to 30 days. you can easily fix this, go to your Settings app and select your Gmail account e-mail. gmail-settings-select-Account

role selection list until you see "Day to synchronize e-mail."

gmail-sync the e-mail > it and you can change the number of days to 999 days for application to sync Gmail. gmail-settings- days to sync email

3. Make a "Reply All" the default behavior when answering email

desktop Gmail, you can set the "Reply All" as the default behavior when replying to emails. In Gmail for Android, the default behavior is "Response" to the sender only, but you can set the "Reply All" as the default behavior as well. gmail-settings-response -all Gmail application, go" Settings -.> General Settings "Scroll down the list until you see the" Reply All ". Put a check next. Finish

New Features:. Pinch to zoom in

If you have updated to the latest version of Gmail for Android, from December 3, 2012 (and devices running Ice Cream Sandwich and above), you can activate the feature pinch to zoom Go to "Settings -> General Settings" .. Scroll down until you see "Auto-fit the message." Put a check next. gmail-setting pinch-to-zoom- that this option will do is to automatically resize to fit the screen of your message, and you can pinch to zoom in / out message.  

Swipe left / right to delete / archive a message

latest version of Gmail also allows you to pass a message to any file or delete it. gmail-of-theft-File Behavior of action would depend on its location in the Gmail app.
  • Inbox, pass the message file.
  • When viewing emails in labels, passing the message to remove the label from the message.
  • "All mail" or "Sent". List, passing the message will remove it from your system
If you find this confusing and want to change behavior, you can go to "Settings -> General Settings" and open conversation "swiping" list. From here, you can disable the action by, or define it as "Always remove". gmail-settings-configure-theft behavior What other hidden features that I missed?

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PS4 and Xbox 720 Integration into Tablet And Smartphone

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
PS4 and Xbox 720 Integration into Tablet And Smartphone: Electronic Arts reopen the matter of sound generation platform. PlayStation 4 and Xbox 720 will be interconnected with the mobile platform like tablets or smartphones.
PS4 and Xbox 720 Integration into Tablet And Smartphone
EA Chief Financial Officer Blake Jorgensen believes the latest generation consoles Microsoft and Sony will be integrated with a mobile platform, so players stay connected to their game.

"I think once again without specifying a new console, you should assume that the console will be integrated into the living room and they will give you a lot of ability to interact," he said.

Furthermore Jorgensen explained, the latest generation of consoles allow players to interact and control it via tablets and mobile phones.

"I think you'll see more integration between tablets, phones, and consoles from time to time. Later there will be an interesting innovation around it" he added.

To note, the most recent game console-awaited debut is the PS4 and Xbox 720. Some reports said on February 20 console made ​​by Sony will be on display while on the mat for the console Microsoft Electronic Entertainment Expo 2013.

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Samsung Galaxy S3 And S4 Test Results

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Samsung Galaxy S3 And S4 Test Results
Samsung Galaxy S4 Nongol in NenaMark: Related news successor to the Samsung Galaxy SIII debut increasingly hot. Latest test results revealed the Galaxy S4.

Test results Galaxy S4 or SCH-I545 emerge through NenaMark. Revealed in the leaked Samsung's new smartphone using the Graphic Processing Unit Qualcomm Adreno 320.

Test results also revealed, Galaxy S4 carries a screen resolution of 1920x1080 and driven with a 1.9GHz processor. 

The device is also listed running on the Android operating system 4.2 Jelly Bean.

Previously, a new report which quoted from Korean news site, called the Daily D, S4 Galaxy predicted by the home button like the Galaxy S III.

Unfortunately, the site does not indicate that Samsung will complement its latest smartphone with S-Pen stylus

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Microsoft Windows 8 Successful Sales Story

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Will Microsoft Release Windows 9 in 2013: The operating system Windows 8 is coming out in October 2012 has spread to the market. Increasingly wide use of this new OS are supported by the emergence of a wide range of the latest gadget or computer that carries the Windows 8 OS.
Microsoft Windows 8 Successful Sales Story
However, reportedly Windows 8 OS has not been able to sell well today. This is because most users criticized the changes Microsoft introduced a GUI OS.

As was reported earlier, the reason consumers "stay away" is due to a change in the display graphical user interface. On the mat CES 2013, the Chief Marketing Officer and Chief Financial Officer of Windows, Tami Reller announced that Microsoft has sold 60 million copies of Windows 8 since its inaugural launch.

In the largest technology exhibition in Las Vegas is, Reller did not explain in detail about the internal sales projects. He suggests that Windows 8 is in a position of sales "selling well".

The company is headquartered in Redmond also said in late November last year, Windows 8 has sold 40 million copies in one month. However, the relevant sources suggest that Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer and other Microsoft executives were quite disappointed with the overall sales performance.

Paulo Camara, Head of Mobility Services in IT companies Ci & T revealed that one of the reasons why Windows 8 is not yet managed to excite because of the emergence of the version of Windows 9.

According to him, Windows 9 is expected to bring significant changes for Windows users. "The next Windows version will surely include the power of Windows 8 and fix major gap," said Camara.

This indicates whether Windows 9 will bring back the Start button? No one knows. 

However, Steve Ballmer revealed that Microsoft has no intention of leaving the Start Screen.

Camara went on, Windows 9 is likely to have a faster adoption for the company rather than Windows 8. 

Microsoft plans next is unknown, only the public had learned the news that the company will release the software giant's latest product, called Windows Blue this year.

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Russian meteorite launched energy 30 times higher than Hiroshima bomb

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
The 17 meter meteor yesterday left more than 1,100 injured in the Russian province of Chelyabinsk in the Urals released energy of 500 kilotons, about thirty times the Hiroshima atomic bomb, according to the U.S. space agency (NASA).
Russian meteorite launched energy 30 times higher than Hiroshima bomb
"An event of this magnitude occurs once in 100 years on average" said Paul Chodas, program associate of near Earth objects at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of NASA.

"When a fireball is that size, many meteorites can reach the surface and is probably here already done several large," he said.

Infrasound data collected indicate that the fall of the meteorite, since its entry into the atmosphere until the breakup, lasted 32.5 seconds and its signal was picked up by eleven of the 45 monitoring stations located in 35 countries.

His career however was very different from the asteroid 2012 DA14 that some hours later passed near Earth, so scientists dismiss their relationship.

Experts of the Russian Emergencies Ministry still looking fragments of the bolide that according to one hypothesis may have fallen into the lake Chebarkul near Chelyabinsk.

A group of six divers are responsible for checking this version in the next few hours, reported the spokesman Emergency Rossius Irina, the Russian state news agency, RIA Novosti.

The Russian Emergencies Ministry estimates that the injured reached 1,145 mostly mild, although 50 people required hospitalization, including a 52 year fracture of two vertebrae which was transferred on Saturday in a special plane to Moscow. The Home Office mentions the figure of 1,200 wounded.

According to last minute, the fireball burst windows and caused other damage to more than 3,700 residential buildings and 700 public facilities.

The total area of ​​broken glass reaches 200,000 square meters.

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Could not create the Java virtual machine

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 15 Februari 2013 0 komentar
When starting a Java application the message appears:
Java Virtual Machine Launcher
Could not create the Java virtual machine.

The solution for this issue varies. Here are some alternative solutions:

Solution 1
Nine out of ten times this can be fixed by reinstalling Java Runtime. I strongly recommend you look in Control Panel | Add and Remove Programs and remove (uninstall) all copies of Java Runtime you have. Then make sure you shut down, restart the computer.

Download Java Runtime from
Install Java Runtime.
All should be well...

Solution 2
I had one situation where even after reinstalling Java Runtime three times it did not make any difference, the 'Could not create the Java virtual machine' error just came up again and again.

I checked the computer for anything that looked strange and out of place. In Task Manager I saw a program called ibsvc.exe. It wasn't familiar to me, I did a search on the web and found this website description:
It's part of software called InstallBrain from PerformerSoft --- it looks very dodgy, most likely spyware.

To remove it I killed the ibsvc.exe process in Task Manager and immediately deleted the ibsvc.exe from:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\IBUpdaterService 

That didn't solve the problem, still Java didn't work. But then I found another PerformerSoft related file: srchalgomngr.exe
In Control Panel I saw something called 'Algo Application Manager' by PerformerSoft LLC. I uninstalled this program and restarted the computer.

When I tried Java, it worked!!!

I don't know for sure if these exe programs were stopping Java from running but it is very likely! Maybe on your computer you don't have these exe files but perhaps you have a similar problem? I recommend you look for any dodgy looking software, any spyware, any toolbars like Babylon or similar, remove them all! Run an anti-virus scanner on your C: drive, I recommend MalwareBytes. If you are experienced you will find Process Explorer useful.

6th April 2013 - Please see the following article for more help:

Solution 3
Make sure your Windows virtual memory is set correctly. I recommend you set it to 'System Managed Size'. You must shut down and restart the computer for the change to take effect. You can find out more details here:

Solution 4
You can add runtime parameters to the Java Runtime startup. This did not help me but it is worth a try.

In Control Panel double click Java (or run javacpl.cpl), click the Java tab and View. Enter -Xmx512M into the runtime parameter box. If that doesn't help, try -Xmx300M. This is explained in more detail here:

I hope one of the above solutions helps you solve this problem. As I mentioned above, usually it's solved just by reinstalling Java Runtime. On one occasion it was some possible spyware that after removal Java worked normally again. You will have to investigate and try each of the above solutions. Good luck!

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Free eBooks and interesting ways to use text

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 07 Februari 2013 0 komentar

Many books are in the public domain now and can be found online for free. Here's a good site that even has books in different formats like Kindle as well as plain text:

Apart from reading a good story you can also use such text in other ways. For example, once I was writing a guide to creating newsletters in MS Publisher and needed to show a page with text flowing through columns. Typing lots of blah blah blah would've been possible by copy/paste but it would've looked boring. Instead I pasted in a few paragraphs of text from The Hound of the Baskervilles!

Recently I've done some software testing and having large amounts of text available to copy/paste has been useful too. If you want to count text characters I would recommend using Notepad++ as it is accurate, MS Word isn't for example.

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Apple iPad Mini, Speed ​​Shipment

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 05 Februari 2013 0 komentar

Apple iPad Mini, Speed ​​Shipment
Apple finally accelerate new tablet shipments, iPad Mini. In an update on the online store United States, Apple writes Mini iPad shipments will only take one to three days.

The latest time was faster than the previously required three to five business days at the end of last month. Acceleration shipment reportedly because Apple finally able to overcome supply constraints after the 7.9-inch tablet that was released to the market in November.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Apple, Tim Cook said the supplier was having trouble meeting demand. But the constraint is expected to bounce back by the end of the first quarter of 2013.

Mini iPad is a tablet "small" first Apple, after the tech giant is launching a series of 9.7-inch tablet. Apple's latest tablet which was announced on October 23 comes with a 7.9-inch screen (1024 x 768 pixels), the ARM Cortex-A9 1GHz, and has three storage options ranging from 16GB, 32GB, and 64GB.

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Google and Samsung Prepare Android Sense Key

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Google and Samsung Prepare Android Sense Key: News of the Android 5.0-based devices increasingly widely Key Lime Pie. Latest Google and Motorola is reportedly working on a smartphone with the name 'X-Phone'.
Android Sense Key
The news comes from Motorola Mobility job listings posted to via LinkedIn. The page provides information seeking Director of Product Manager who will work directly on the project X-Phone.

Not long ago, the Motorola Mobility's posting drew it. But unfortunately Phadroid succeed faster with document capture.

Less than two months ago, the news indicates that Google and Motorola will deliver the best Android experience with the X-Phone.

Some believe that the Android-based smartphone Key Lime Pie will be present on the mat Google I / O in May 2013. Motorola was rumoured to be the first vendor to issue a five Android-based devices.

DroidForums call, the device - possible X-Phone - be the first smartphone that runs the Android operating system bada 5.0 and comes with a mini bezel and carries the 5.0-inch screen.

Reportedly, the new interface on the Motorola X Phone will integrate a number of new features that can rival Samsung as it features S-Beam, S-Voice, and the like. Since annexed Google, Motorola relatively quiet in product development.

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